Saturday, April 21, 2018

On Funerals

Today I am thinking about funerals.
This is because I read about Mrs. Barbara Bush's funeral today and how the current president Donald J Trump had been asked please not to attend which made me think about this quote from Yogi Berra*: "Always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't go to yours." 

I hope there will be droves and droves of people at my funeral and that no one will have to be asked not to attend. There is nothing quite as sad as a funeral with very few people.

*) Lawrence Peter "Yogi" Berra (May 12, 1925 – September 22, 2015) was an American professional baseball catcher for the New York Yankees.

P.S. "Food, serve them good food and drink and they will come!", I thought. So now I am going to set aside a good sized amount in my will for food and alcohol for the funeral lunch. 

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